The global impact of Antimicrobial Resistance on people is huge
casualties directly linked to drug resistant infection
annual deaths by 2050 if no action taken
annual financial loss in US & EU due to hospital infections
Identifying unmet medical needs
Making people’s lives better
In March 1942, Anne Miller was near death. Infectious germs had made their way into her bloodstream. Doctors administered an experimental drug to her – Penicillin – and she recovered. She became the first person in the world to be saved by an antibiotic. Unfortunately, germs like the one that infected Anne Miller are becoming or have become resistant to antibiotics. Over the last few decades, we have seen limited to no progress in the introduction of new antibiotics. This is a ticking time bomb that threatens the world’s healthcare systems and endanger lives.

Rich and diverse pipeline
Impactful solutions for AMR
Lead optimization
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
BV100 – novel MoA
Serious hospital infections -
A. baumannii
Lead optimization
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
BV100 – novel MoA
Serious hospital infections -
A. baumannii
BV200 – novel anti-virulence MoA
S. aureus
Lead optimization
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
BV200 – novel anti-virulence MoA
S. aureus
BV500 - novel series
NTM infections
Lead optimization
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
BV500 - novel series
NTM infections

BV Discovery
Lead optimization
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
BV Discovery

BioVersys featured in a recent video highlighting the fight against AMR in Basel.
About us
Who we are
We are a passionate team, fighting against bacterial infections by focusing on research and development of small molecules that work by novel modes of action and against novel targets. BioVersys is an award winning privately-owned Swiss pharmaceutical company headquartered in Basel, Switzerland.